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Security Services

Cyberattacks are now so common, recent reports show that hackers attack a computer in the US every 39 seconds!.

Some statistics* during COVID-19 pandemic:

  • 500,000+ Zoom Logins on Dark Web

  • 93% users reused password across applications and devices

  • 25,000 Email accounts compromised

  • 4,000 COVID-Related Domains

  • 25% increase in 2020 Ransomware Surge



We offer below services to protect your business:


Strategic Consulting

  • Help companies in setting up infosec CoE and evangelise security to build a security first organisation.


  • We help the management with all aspects of developing a cyber security practice.


  • Our effort will be spread across all stages like strategy, roadmap, hiring, skill uplifting, implementing process and controls etc.


Security Architecture Review & Threat Modelling

  • Review the product architecture


  • Review and recommend security controls and help the engineering team to implement them with right tools and components.


Security Audit

  • Analysis of Identity and access management and handling-procedures 

  • Network Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration testing (VA/PT) 

  • Web Application Security Audit (WASA)

  • Mobile Application Security Audit (Android and iOS)


Cloud Security

  • Cloud infrastructure assessment to identify misconfigurations, entry points and protection status. 


Attack Simulation/
Red Teaming

  • A goal driven stealthy offensive security exercise with a purpose of improving the detection and response capabilities in the organisation.

ai_ml implementation for cyber security.webp

AI/ML Implementation
For Cyber Security 

  • Help organizations to implement AI/ML algorithms at scale for various cybersecurity-related use cases

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